JSPS Core to Core  FY2020 - 2023
Tropical Biosphere Research Center,  University of the Ryukyus

Global analyses of mangrove ecosystem by eDNA metabarcoding


7th International Workshop at Iriomote Station

7th International workshop is held at Iriomote Station for 16 - 23 July, 2024. Twelve participants from eight countries worked together for eDNA metabarcoding studies on mangrove ecosystem.

eDNA  Workshop at Stellenbosch

In collaboration with AJ-Core, EMAAM project, we held a workshop at Stellenbosch University, South Africa for 21 - 24 May. 2024

eDNA workshop for NGS at PGC

In collaboration with e-Asia project of Mindanao State University, Naawan, we held a workshop on NGS lab work at PGC, Davao for 24 - 28 June, 2024

Mangrove session at IOCWESTPAC 2024

We will hold a Scientific Session , "Fisheries, biodiversity and dynamics of Mangroves’ aquatic ecosystem"  at the 2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference, in April 2024.

5th International Workshop

5th International Workshop for JSPS C2C project will be held at Iriomote Station, University of the Ryukyus.  18 - 24 Dec. 2023. Participants from Senegal, Malaysia, Philippines and Japan will lean DNA metabarcoding analyses.

JSPS Seminar In Malaysia,  Sabah

A Special Lecture entitled "The Application of NGS for Bio-diversity Study" was held at ITBC, University Malaysia, Sabah on 23 and 27 Oct. 2023. About 10 ariticipants from ITBC studied the basics of NGS study, and experienced a hands-on practice on DNA metabarcoding analyses.

JSPS Seminar In CADU, Senegal

We will hold a seminar with hands-on practice at Cheikh Anta Diop University (CADU) on 13 Nov. 2023.

4th International Workshop

We held the "4th International Workshop" and an "International Symposium" in March 2023 in Malaysia organized by Alison Wee and her colleagues. 

Alison Wee got awarded! 

Our member, Alison Wee Kim Shan (Notthingham University Malaysia) was awarded L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards 2022!

JSPS C2C Seminar in Thailand, 23 Jan, 2023

Tadashi Kajita and Cecilia Chu will hold a JSPS Core to Core Seminar at  Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. (Organized by Itchika Sivaipuram).  The seminar start at 9:00 am on 21st Jan. 2023. Plz register in advance using the QR code on the poster.

Tadashi Kajita is visiting ITBC UMS.

Tadashi Kajita is at ITBC, UMS  as a Visiting Professor for one year from Aug. 2022. He will expand the research activities of JSPS C2C in Sabah and the other parts of  Malaysia.

1st International Workshop, May 2022

We will held the "1st International Workshop for Mangrove Biodiversity Studies by eDNA Metabarcoding" as a part of the Global analyses of mangrove ecosystem by eDNA metabarcoding project. This will be held 19 - 26th May 2022. The workshop included JSPS C2C and e-Asia project members. Also, included full molecular training. 

2nd International Workshop, June 2022

We held the "2nd International Workshop for Mangrove Biodiversity Studies by eDNA Metabarcoding" at Iriomote Station, TBRC, University of the Ryukyus for 24 - 27 June, 2022. This was a join workshop with other peojects: e-Asia, AJ-Core, JSPS Kakenhi.

2021 November Events

We held some JSPSC2C Seminar in November 2021.
1. 18 - 19 Nov. DNA Metabarcoding Data Analyses (two sessions) by Tadashi Kajita. (Link restricted to members)

2. 20 Nov. 9:00 A Plenary Talk, held also as Core to Core Seminar  by Prof. Louis Bernatchez (Université Laval, Canada) at the The eDNA Society Annual Meeting 2021 that was held 20-21th Nov. 2021. 

JSPS C2C Seminar in Malaysia, April 2022

Alison Wee organizes a joint by T Kajita sponsored by APN, CRRP and JSPS C2C on 11th April. at 10:00 at UNM (University of Nottingham Malaysia).  Please register at https://forms.gle/qJiUCupSf77nDLzc8 .


On September, 8-9 2021. 2C held a symposium session online in the 13th International Long-Term Ecological Research East  - Asia Pacific Regional Network Conference (2021 ILTER-EAP). All participants need registration. 

(Click here). We have a Special participation of JSPS C2C-members. 

The 3rd International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology

On August, 24 2021, from 08.00 – 14.30 Western Indonesia Time (GMT+7). C2C held a joint seminar with  Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Indonesia) online. All participants need registration (Click here). We have a Panel session with JSPS Core to Core members. 

Training Seminar, 28th May, 2021

We hold a Training seminar on "Environmental DNA sampling and instructions for water samples" as a part of the Global analyses of mangrove ecosystem by eDNA metabarcoding project. All participants need registration (Click Here).  After the talk of Dr. Tadashi Kajita, The video-training was introduced, then a short-talks from the Country Coordinators.

Open Seminar, 16th Nov, 2020

We hold a workshop on "eDNA to study biodiversity in Mangrove" as a Satellite event of eDNA PopEco 2020. All participants need registration (Click Here).  After the talk of Dr. Hitoshi Araki (Hokkaido Univ.), Tadashi Kajita will introduce preliminary data on mangrove.

2020 November Events

We join the joint annual meeting of The eDNA Society that will be held 14-16 Nov. 2020. We will hold a satellite event for C2C on 16th Nov. at 16:00 (JST, UTC+9). Detail information will be announced soon!

A Joint Seminar was held with USU  (Indonesia), 2020 

On 6th Oct. 2020, C2C held a joint seminar with  Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Indonesia) online. Tadashi Kajita talked about phylogeographic studies on mangroves.

Kick-off Meeting  (Japan), 2020

30th Sept. 2020. 16:00 (JST, UTC+9) (Wednesday).  By Zoom.
Invitation to the Zoom meeting will be provided from the C2C Office 

Maria joined C2C, 2020

Dr. Maria Daniela Artigas Ramirez has joined C2C as a Post Doc Researcher at Iriomote Station, University of the Ryukyus.  (2020.09.01)