7th International Workshop for Mangrove Biodiversity Studies by eDNA Metabarcoding

16 - 23 July, 2024
at the Iriomote Station, TBRC, University of the Ryukyus

Co-sponsored by JSPS Core to Core, e-Asia, AJ-CORE, KAKENHI International (B), COI-Next@Kanazawa Univ.,  and COI-Next@Tohoku Univ.

Welcome to Iriomote Station!

We are pleased to hold the “7th International Workshop for Mangrove Biodiversity Studies by eDNA Metabarcoding” at Iriomote Station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center (TBRC), University of the Ryukyus, Japan. 

The international collaboration project for eDNA research on global mangroves started in 2020 by obtaining support from JSPS Core to Core. The project successfully finished at the end of March 2023, and we started the second phase of the program by obtaining support from JSPS Core to Core in April 2024. We will explore further collaborations with Nature Positive oriented projects launched at Tohoku University and Kanazawa University.

In this one-week workshop, we will provide basic training for 12 participants from 8 countries to further use of eDNA metabarcoding for their own studies.

Workshop Schedule




(No. JPJSCCB20240006)  Program HP: https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-c2c/,  Project HP:  http://c2c.mangroves.info

(No. JPMJSC21E5). Program HP: https://www.the-easia.org/jrp/  Project HP (information) https://www.jst.go.jp/inter/english/program_e/multilateral_e/e_asia.html

(No. JPMJSC21E5). Program HP:  https://www.jst.go.jp/inter/english/program_e/multilateral_e/aj-core.html

No. (21KK0115)  Program HP: https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-grantsinaid/35_kokusai/04_kyoudoub/download.html