JSPS Core to Core and ANEMONE Global Joint meeting

24 April, 2024
at Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand)

Co-sponsored by JSPS Core to Core, e-Asia, AJ-CORE, COI-Next@Kanazawa Univ.,  COI-Next@Tohoku Univ., and KAKENHI International (B) 

Meeting at Chula!

The 2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference and 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference 2024 was held in Bangkok for 21 - 25 April 2024.  The conference provided an excellent opportunity to showcase our eDNA studies on mangrove ecosystems. Our group delivered over 10 oral presentations spanning four sessions, highlighting our research findings.  

We used this chance to organize a joint meeting among the JSPS Core to Core program, ANEMONE Global, in collaboration with Nature Positive-oriented projects at Tohoku University and Kanazawa University. ANEMONE Global is an international extension of the ANEMONE biodiversity observation network/consortium, originally established by Tohoku University. During the meeting, which included coordinators of the JSPS Core to Core project, individuals interested in ANEMONE Global, and students from the Department of Marine Science at Chula, we engaged in productive discussions for collaborative projects. We sincerely thank Dr. Itchika Sivaipram, her staff, and students at Chula for graciously hosting the meeting.



(No. JPJSCCB20240006)  Program HP: https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-c2c/,  Project HP:  http://c2c.mangroves.info

(No. JPMJSC21E5). Program HP: https://www.the-easia.org/jrp/  Project HP (information) https://www.jst.go.jp/inter/english/program_e/multilateral_e/e_asia.html

No. (21KK0115)  Program HP: https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-grantsinaid/35_kokusai/04_kyoudoub/download.html