9th International Workshop and Symposium for Mangrove Biodiversity Studies by eDNA Metabarcoding
Workshop: 6 January - 16 February, 2025
(with a Symposium on 9th and 10th Feb.)
at the Iriomote Station, TBRC, University of the Ryukyus
Co-sponsored by JSPS Core to Core, e-Asia, AJ-CORE, KAKENHI International (B), OcenShot(Tohoku Univ), and COI-Next@Tohoku Univ.
Welcome to Iriomote Station!
We are pleased to hold the “9th International Workshop for Mangrove Biodiversity Studies by eDNA Metabarcoding” at Iriomote Station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center (TBRC), University of the Ryukyus, Japan for 29 Jan - 14 Feb. 2025.
The international collaboration project for eDNA research on global mangroves started in 2020 by obtaining support from JSPS Core to Core. The project successfully finished at the end of March 2023, and we started the second phase of the program by obtaining support from JSPS Core to Core in April 2024. We will explore further collaborations with Ocean Shot and Nature Positive oriented projects launched at Tohoku University.
In this workshop, we will provide On-Demand training for in total of six participants from five countries to further use of eDNA metabarcoding for their own studies.
Workshop Schedule
6 January - 8 February: Participants' Arrival at Iriomote Station.
Researchers and Students from five countries work on their projects using the eDNA lab facilities of Iriomote Station. They will get help, support, and advice from the staff of the University of the Ryukyus to conduct their research.
9 February: International Symposium on Mangrove biodiversity study by using eDNA metabarcoding
10 morning: Symposium (cont). Afternoon: Excursion
11 - 13: Library preparation for eDNA metabarcoding and NGS run by Illumina iSeq100 with Data Analyses session
14 Closing the workshop
Symposium Timetable
9th February
10:00 -
Opening Remarks by Tadashi Kajita
Michio Kondoh: Using time-series data for better understanding of complex ecosystem
Imane Sioud: Advancing Biodiversity Monitoring through Collaboration: ANEMONE Global's Roadmap Ahead
Yoshihisa Suayam: Identifying Genetic Disturbances in Malaysian Mangrove Restoration with Genome-wide SNP Analysis
Leanne Frances Yee: Surveying ichthyofaunal diversity using eDNA metabarcoding in the mangrove estuaries of Peninsular Malaysia
Heng Wei Khang: Integrading eDNA and Drones for Monitoring Marine Megafauna: A Dugong Case Study
11:30 - Visit Supermarket to buy Lunch
Mohammad Basyuni: Assessing Fish biodiversity in Indonesian mangrove ecosystems using eDNA Metabarcoding
Jean Fall: Introduction of AJ-Core project and recent DNA barcoding study in Senegal
Codou Mbaye: Study of fish diversity using eDNA metabarcoding in the Sine Saloum island Casamace and Saint-Louis
Marizka Juliano: Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding as a tool for fish biodiversity monitoring and resource management in Japan's largest mangrove forest: The Nakama River, Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan
Bernadece Pananganan: Application of eDNA metabarcoding for faunal biodiversity assessment in mangrove ecosystem
Discussion and suggestions for the presentation by students.
Tea Break
James Reimer: Phylum Cnidaria: Subphylum Anthozoa - eDNA reference collections
Ulla von Ammon: My eDNA journey or sequence everything, everywhere, all at once
Fabian Gosser: Rubble in Paradise: Testing out different methods for metabarcoding of coral rubble communities
Yuki Minegishi: Ecology of chum salmon: Juvenile with environment DNA
18:00 Dinner
Workshop discussion on the use of eDNA and other NGS based methods for biodiversity monitoring (AJ-Core)
21:00: Closing 1st Day
10th February
9:00 Meeting with people who work on biodiversity conservation of world heritage site in Iriomote
Introduction of conservation activities in Iriomote Island (including eDNA use): Facilitated by Tadashi Kajita
Iriomote Wildlife Conservation Center (IWCC), Keisei Soma: introduction of conservation efforts in Iriomote Island
Progress report and brief introduction of biodiversity monitoring by eDNA metabarrcoding in Iriomote Island. (Bernadeth, Marizka, Shiromoto, Kajita) (in Japanese and English
Discussion for future collaboration
11:00: Start to Urauchi River by car
Visit the supermarket on the way to buy lunch.
Mangrove site visit of Urauchi River (Badeth)
12:30 Urauchi River Cruise
13:00 Start trekking
14:30 Kampire Water Fall
16:00 Return by the last boat from the upper pier
17:00 Arrival at Iriomote Station
18:30 Dinner
Workshop discussion on the use of eDNA for biodiversity management for the demands from local communities (AJ-Core)
21:00 Closing the workshop
Researchers and Students who work on their research projects
Emma Rossouw (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) (6 Jan - 7 Feb)
Itchika Sivaipram (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) (16 - 25 Jan)
Jasrul Dulipat (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) (20 - 31 Jan)
Leanne Frances Yee (University of Nottingham Malaysia, Malaysia) (3 - 14 Feb)
Heng Wei Khang (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia) (3 - 14 Feb)
Ndeye Codou Mbaye (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal) (2 - 16 Feb)
Jean Fall (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal) (2 - 16 Feb)
Marizka Juliano (Gent University, Belgium) *Lab work supporter
Bernadeth Grace Pananganan (University of the Ryukyus, Japan) *Lab work supporter
Symposium participants
All researcher and students listed above
Michio Kondo (Tohoku University, Japan)
Yoshihisa Suyama (Tohoku University, Japan)
Sioud Imane (Tohoku University, Japan)
Yuki Minegishi (Tokyo University, Japan)
Mohammad Basyuni (Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)
James Reimer (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Fabian Gosser (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Ulla von Ammon (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Md. Mizanur Rahman (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Keiko Shiromoto (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Yukinobu Isowa (TBRC, University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Tadashi Kajita (TBRC, University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Tadashi Kajita (TBRC, University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Yukinobu Isowa (TBRC, University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Keiko Shiromoto (TBRC, University of the Ryukyus, Japan, JSPS RPD)
Bernadeth Grace Pananganan, (TBRC, University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Research Assistant
Md. Mizanur Rahman (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Marizka Juliano (Gent University, Belgium) , Internship trainee at TBRC, University of the Ryukyus
JSPS Core to Core Program.
(No. JPJSCCB20240006) Program HP: https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-c2c/, Project HP: http://c2c.mangroves.info
(No. JPMJSC21E5). Program HP: https://www.the-easia.org/jrp/ Project HP (information) : https://www.jst.go.jp/inter/english/program_e/multilateral_e/e_asia.html
(No. JPMJSC21E5). Program HP: https://www.jst.go.jp/inter/english/program_e/multilateral_e/aj-core.html
JSPS KAKENHI - Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) for FY2022
No. (21KK0115) Program HP: https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-grantsinaid/35_kokusai/04_kyoudoub/download.html
Ocen Shot Project: "Holistic Genomic Approach to Asia-Pacific Marine Biodiversity" (Tohoku University)
COI-Next Tohoku University
Project HP (information) : https://www.naturepositive-hub.jp/ ; Japan Science and Technology Agency (COI-NEXT program, Grant number JPMJPF2206)